Bleeding and menopause 19.11.22


The BMS invites you to attend our next Presential meeting
Which will take place SATURDAY, November 19th, 2022 AT 9:00 AM (CEST)

Accreditation has been requested by the Belgian Menopause Society
Bleeding and menopause
General Assembly
Endocrine and paracrine control of menstruation
Patrick Henriet (De Duve Institute, UCL) HENRIET Patrick BMS 2022.11.19

Ultrasound features of endometrial pathology in women with and without abnormal uterine
bleeding. Thierry Van den Bosch (KUL) Thierry_BMS_endometrium_nov2022
10.00 Coffee Break and visit of the booths and posters
Added value of hysteroscopy in peri- and postmenopausal women Patricia Nervo (ULiège)
11h-11h 20
Oral presentation of the Bruno Pornel and Mireille Smets prizes of the best abstracts
11h 30

kim pauwaert

Victoriia DiPietrantonio

Maxime Van Houdt


Diane Bula I bula Associated Morbidity BC – Nov 2022

Gedeon Richter Satellite Meeting
New approach in the management of uterine fibroids: the GnRH antagonist relugolix
combined with add-back therapy
Prof. Dr. Michele Nisole (U Liège)
Conclusions and end of the meeting.
Bruno Pornel Prize and Mireille Smets Prize in memory of two of our board members
who passed away at a young age.

The Belgian Menopause Society will allocate two grants of 1000 Euro each, to the best poster presentations, made during our meeting November 19, 2022, by an investigator aged 35 years or less, member of our society.

Applications, including an abstract of less than 250 words and a short CV of one page maximum, should reach the secretariat no later than October 30, 2022.

All the selected posters will be presented during the meeting and the winners of the prizes, will be asked to make a short oral presentation of their work.

Site of the meeting
CHU Saint-Pierre – UMC Sint-Pieter
Rue Haute 322 Hoogstraat
Bâtiment FORUM Gebouw
Parking is available
How to come to the CHU Saint-Pierre – UMC Sint-Pieter?
Click on the picture below.

Next meeting

Our next meeting : Sleep and menopause Brussels 9h-12h CHU UMC ST Pierre

Latest news

Course Title: Menopause Care : A Comprehensive 2-Day Workshop 21-22/ 3 /2025