The BMS invites you to attend the 59th symposium of the Belgian Menopause Society (Presential meeting)
Which will take place SATURDAY, October 14th , 2023 AT 9:00 AM (CEST)
Accreditation has been requested by the Belgian Menopause Society
Updated Belgium Menopause Society Consensus on use of Menopause Hormone Therapy
Background, definitions Dr E Markowicz
Background consensus 14.10.23
Methodology Dr L Ameryckx,
Methodology consensus 14.10.23
POF and premature menopause Dr A Firquet,
Premature and early menopause Consensus 14.10.23
Climacteric symptoms Dr L Ameryckx,
Climacteric symptoms consensus 14.10.23
Osteoporosis Dr S Rozenberg
Osteoporosis consensus 14.10.23
10.00 Coffee Break and visit of the booths and posters
Cardiovascular diseases & Venous Thromboembolic diseases Prof A Pintiaux,
Consensus CV Sympo BMS102023
Breast cancer risk Dr M Sy
Breast cancer risk BMS 14.10.23 (1)
Other Cancers, Neurocognitive diseases Prof H Depypere
Other cancers and cognitive consensus 14.10.23 )
Prof S Rozenberg
Good clinical practice Consensus 14.10.23
11h 30
Pfizer Satellite Meeting
“New therapeutic options at the menopause”
Conclusions and end of the meeting.
Site of the meeting
CHU Saint-Pierre – UMC Sint-Pieter
Rue Haute 322 Hoogstraat
Bâtiment FORUM Gebouw
Parking is available
How to come to the CHU Saint-Pierre – UMC Sint-Pieter? Click on the picture below.
Price: free for members and assistants / 20€ for nurses & menopause consulents / 50€ other physicians-non-members. Pre-registration is required. Payments on (BE28 068-2202863-20)
Inscription: Fax: +32.2.535.34.09 – email:
Carte réponse/Antwoordkaart – Belgian Menopause Society Symposium 13/05/2017
Nom/Naam :…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Adres(se) : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Email …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Assistant …….. Member……… Non member………….
Belgian Menopause Society– Prof. Serge Rozenberg –
CHU Saint-Pierre – UMC Sint-Pieter Rue Haute – 322 – Hoogstraat – 1000 Brussels
Site of the meeting
UMC Sint-Pieter – CHU Saint-Pierre Rue Haute 322 Hoogstraat
Bâtiment FORUM Gebouw 1000 BRUXELLES Parking is available
With the collaboration of
GUN + (names and logo sponsors)