Presentation of the updated BMS consensus on Menopause Hormone therapy.


The BMS invites you to attend the 59th symposium of the Belgian Menopause Society (Presential meeting)

Which will take place SATURDAY, October 14th , 2023 AT 9:00 AM (CEST)

Accreditation has been requested by the Belgian Menopause Society

Updated Belgium Menopause Society Consensus on use of Menopause Hormone Therapy

Background, definitions Dr E Markowicz
Background consensus 14.10.23

Methodology Dr L Ameryckx,

Methodology consensus 14.10.23

POF and premature menopause  Dr A Firquet,
Premature and early menopause Consensus 14.10.23

Climacteric symptoms Dr L Ameryckx,
Climacteric symptoms consensus 14.10.23

Osteoporosis Dr S Rozenberg
Osteoporosis consensus 14.10.23

10.00 Coffee Break and visit of the booths and posters


Cardiovascular diseases & Venous Thromboembolic diseases Prof A Pintiaux,
Consensus CV Sympo BMS102023

Breast cancer risk Dr M Sy
Breast cancer risk BMS 14.10.23 (1)
Other Cancers, Neurocognitive diseases Prof H Depypere
Other cancers and cognitive consensus 14.10.23 )

Prof S Rozenberg
Good clinical practice Consensus 14.10.23
11h 30

Pfizer Satellite Meeting

“New therapeutic options at the menopause”

Conclusions and end of the meeting.

Site of the meeting

CHU Saint-Pierre – UMC Sint-Pieter

Rue Haute 322 Hoogstraat

Bâtiment FORUM Gebouw


Parking is available

How to come to the CHU Saint-Pierre – UMC Sint-Pieter? Click on the picture below.


Price: free for members and assistants / 20€ for nurses & menopause consulents / 50€ other physicians-non-members. Pre-registration is required. Payments on (BE28 068-2202863-20)



Inscription: Fax: +32.2.535.34.09 – email:

Carte réponse/Antwoordkaart – Belgian Menopause Society Symposium 13/05/2017

Nom/Naam :…………………………………………………………………………………………..

Adres(se) : ………………………………………………………………………………………….


Email …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Assistant …….. Member……… Non member………….

Belgian Menopause Society– Prof. Serge Rozenberg –

CHU Saint-Pierre – UMC Sint-Pieter Rue Haute – 322 – Hoogstraat – 1000 Brussels


Site of the meeting

UMC Sint-Pieter – CHU Saint-Pierre Rue Haute 322 Hoogstraat

Bâtiment FORUM Gebouw 1000 BRUXELLES Parking is available

With the collaboration of

GUN + (names and logo sponsors)


Next meeting

Our next meeting : Sleep and menopause Brussels 9h-12h CHU UMC ST Pierre

Latest news

Course Title: Menopause Care : A Comprehensive 2-Day Workshop 21-22/ 3 /2025